Bosch HLN 323120R


electric cooking panel, electric oven, a working surface: glass ceramics, the volume of the oven: 58 l, a mechanical control, the sizes (WxDxH): 60x60x85 sm, colour: white

Main (Bosch HLN 323120R)
The type of cooking surface electric
Type of oven electric
The material of the working surface glass
Energy efficiency class A
Management Mechanical
Color white
The number of burners 4
The volume of the oven 58 l
Cleaning oven manual
Control and indication (Bosch HLN 323120R)
Child lock
Oven (Bosch HLN 323120R)
The maximum temperature 270 °C
The oven door folding
The amount of glass the oven door 2
Drawer for utensils and accessories
Modes of operation the oven (Bosch HLN 323120R)
The number of modes 7
Trim (Bosch HLN 323120R)
Optional accessories
Dimensions (Bosch HLN 323120R)
Height 85 sm
Width 60 sm
Depth 60 sm
General information (Bosch HLN 323120R)
Release date on the market 2008
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